The 12 blogs of Christmas


Last week saw the publication of 12 new papers on male psychology. Each article is free to download at the Psychreg Journal of Psychology website.

In the first week there has already been over 600 downloads. So why all of the interest in these papers? Well, over the next two weeks you can find out because I will be posting the abstract and short commentary on each paper, and the link to the full article. 

In brief, on each day you will find out:

-       What makes men happy

-       How writing can help reduce trauma

-       The impact of domestic abuse on separated fathers

-       The impact on separated dads of not being allowed see their children

-       Male broodiness

-       Sex differences in group favouritism

-       The situations in which men are expected to take more responsibility for their problems

-       Sexism against men in global institutions

-       The relevance of male psychology to modern South Africa

-       Bias in how we celebrate gender-typical behaviour

-       The impact of gender politics on therapy

-       Ethics and ideology in the APA

If you want more information on these papers and the special issue, you can download the editorial here.

For those who can’t wait for the whole 12-day process to play out, you can download the full text of all the papers at the Psychreg Journal of Psychology website here.

Remember that – in keeping with the spirit of Christmas - all downloads are free.



Dr John Barry 

Dr John A. Barry is a Chartered Psychologist and Professional Researcher.  He is a leading expert in the areas of male psychology including men’s mental health and the psychological aspects of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). His new book, Perspectives in Male Psychology: An Introduction (ISBN: 978-1-119-68535-7), co-authored with Louise Liddon, is published in the new year and is available to pre-order now. 


What makes men happy?


The Paradox of Women and Stop-Smoking Hypnosis